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Psoriasis Write for Us – Guest Post, Contribute, and Submit Post

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Psoriasis Write for UsPsoriasis Write for Us

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with scaly, itchy patches, most often on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp.

Psoriasis is a frequent, persistent condition that has no treatment. It may hurt, keep you up at night, and be challenging to focus on. The problem frequently goes through cycles where it would flare up for a few weeks or months and then go into remission. Infections, wounds, burns, and certain drugs are common psoriasis triggers in persons with a hereditary susceptibility to the condition.

Some treatments can assist you in controlling your symptoms. You can also attempt other lifestyle choices and coping mechanisms to cope better with your psoriasis.

The Reasons

Skin cells typically develop slowly, but with psoriasis, skin cells grow more quickly than usual. Due to this rapid cell turnover, plaque psoriasis’s most prevalent kind, creates dry, scaly areas.

Psoriasis’s root cause is not entirely known. The misguided attack on healthy skin cells by infection-fighting cells is seen as an immune system issue. Both genetic and environmental factors are thought to be involved. Others do not spread the illness.

Psoriasis Etiology

Many people who are vulnerable to psoriasis may go years without showing any symptoms before the condition is brought on by an environmental source. Typical causes of psoriasis include:

  • Infections, such as streptococci throat or skin infections
  • Weather, especially cold and dry
  • Injury to the skin, such as a cut, scratch, insect bite, or severe sunburn
  • Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

Certain medicines – including lithium, high blood pressure medicines, and anti-malarial medicines

Rapid withdrawal of oral or injectable corticosteroids.

Locations and types

Anywhere on the body, plus the eyelids, ears, lips, skin folds, hands, feet, and nails, might develop psoriasis. Plaques might damage a small region or a vast one. Psoriasis plaques and scales can appear on your body in many locations at once.

Psoriasis comes in five different forms. Psoriasis may come in various conditions at one moment and throughout a lifetime. Several treatments may be used depending on the nature and location of the psoriasis.

What can I do?

Psoriasis has no known cure, although more powerful therapies are available now than ever. In addition to easing symptoms, treating psoriasis can lower your chance of contracting additional illnesses, including psoriatic arthritis, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and depression.

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Search Terms Related to Psoriasis Write for Us

Psoriasis: What It Is
Types & Treatment
Psoriasis: Causes
Triggers and Treatments
Psoriasis: Pictures
Symptoms, Causes
Diagnosis, Treatment
Psoriasis: Signs and symptoms
Practice Essentials
Treatment of psoriasis in adults
Psoriasis Types
Scalp, Pictures
Skin, Medication & Causes
Psoriasis – Dermatologic Disorders
Psoriasis – an overview

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